Navigate the intricate landscape of blockchain with confidence, guided by XBG's Educational Services. Our extensive financial and blockchain sector experience, coupled with Swiss and Luxembourgish expertise, positions us as trusted consultants. Let us be your compass in the evolving world of blockchain technology.

Our seasoned expertise

With a robust background in the financial sector and years of hands-on experience in blockchain, we ensure that our advisory services reflect the best practices and insights from these renowned centers of financial excellence. Furthermore, our CEO represents Greece in global blockchain forums, Xenios is always up to date with the latest regulatory and technological developments.

Regulatory Compliance

Staying compliant in the ever-evolving world of blockchain regulations is challenging. Our advisory services, through our role as consultants to the Hellenic Capital Market Commission, provide you with the strategic guidance needed to navigate regulatory frameworks effortlessly. Trust in our expertise to keep your operations fully compliant.

Customized Consultancy

Recognizing that each industry and business is unique, our advisory services are not one-size-fits-all. Benefit from personalized advice tailored to your specific needs and requirements. Our corporate connections add a global perspective, ensuring that our advisory services are both comprehensive and adaptable to diverse business environments.

Educational Workshops

Empower your team with the knowledge to harness the potential of blockchain technology. Our educational workshops, provide practical insights and strategies. Stay ahead of the curve with a team that is well-versed in the intricacies of blockchain technology. Give certifications of blockchain seminar attendance to your employees, as well as providing them with additional further blockchain material in order to comprehend DLT.